Ainda não temos significados para "nought else".
1It was of little value; but I had nought else to give.
2For indeed she was but clad in her scanty smock and nought else.
3I can foresee that thou wilt bear nought else beside aves.
4There's nought else in the world that matters to me but only you.
5But sorry later, there being nought else but sops and wine.
6This and nought else ought ever to be-onand on!
7And-shesaw it clearly-itwas sheer love and nought else that had obtained the mastery.
8Why now, I try never to look at it, else I could do nought else.
9Yea, lad, there was nought else to be done.
10Th' old gentleman hev come down so low, that 'tis the Union and nought else.
11The sight moved her as had nought else.
12His hand felt cold and clammy air, nought else, passed through to touch the mat beneath.
13For all things that be not true, be lies-thoucanst make nought else out of it.
14Ginevra turned her eyes instinctively to him she loved, though she was conscious of nought else.
15The Marshal then was silent, said nought else?
16Yea, he slew her, sorely against his will, for the people's sake, and for nought else.
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