It has been working to develop a nuclear-tippedmissile capable of striking the US mainland.
Washington is increasingly worried about North Korean efforts to develop a nuclear-tippedmissile that could hit the U.S. mainland.
After racing toward his goal of developing a nuclear-tippedmissile capable of hitting the United States, Kim in April shifted his focus to the economy.
Pyongyang has made clear it has little interest in negotiations, at least until it has developed a nuclear-tippedmissile capable of hitting the U.S. mainland.
If the Soviets could put a basketball-sized artificial satellite into orbit, they could certainly put a nuclear-tippedmissile into a target in the United States.
The F-106 was already fully loaded with an MB-1 "Genie" nuclear-tippedmissile, two infrared heat-seeking missiles, and two radar-guided missiles.