Ainda não temos significados para "number sign".
1The first line is a comment (indicated by the number sign).
2Comments begin with a number sign and may be placed at the end of an entry or on separate lines.
3The fileset is referred to by appending its name to the domain name, separated by a number sign ().
4Normally the numbers signing on fall in November as businesses prepare for the Christmas rush.
5Vecamamma was flashing numbered signs to score their performances.
6The figures used to calculate net migration were based on numbers signing up at registration offices.
7At the close a large number signed the pledge, some of them the hardest drinkers here.
8All text after number signs is ignored.
9Last month saw a rise of 3,100 to 34,100 in the numbers signing on.
10Big red numbered signs were scattered strategically about, but they were uniformly unblemished, as was the landscape around them.
11The numbers signing on now constitute 4.6 per cent of the workforce, or 152,871 persons.
12The fall in the numbers signing on from May 1999 to May 2000 was 39,359.
14The numbered signs above blinked between yellow and blue, like a dozen warning signals, faster than my eyes could follow.
15By late Wednesday the number signed up to pledge to fight for equality had reached 100,000.
16"219 Sea Cliff" Replica of ACTUAL number sign from Murder House, Pareidolia, Milo, $7.99