Type of business entity in New Zealand.
Examples for "ltd."
Examples for "ltd."
1About Nedbank Group Ltd. Nedbank Group Limited is a financial services provider.
2But department store group Marui Co. Ltd. is using a different strategy.
3Lines, Ltd. is a Japan-based company engaged in the international shipping business.
4About Eurocastle Investment Ltd. Eurocastle Investment Limited is a closed-ended investment company.
5About Jiangsu Hongtu High Technology Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Hongtu High Technology Co.,Ltd.
1But it later turned out his charity was actually a limited company.
2The exchange is proposing to convert to a public limited company.
3Later this summer Aer Rianta will be restructured into a private limited company.
4And the mere sound of that limited company business was intimidating.
5Ballantyne Re is a special purpose public limited company incorporated and registered in Ireland.