I wonder much whether it stands out in the line of any oceaniccurrent, which does not so forcibly strike the main island?
What oceaniccurrents, eddies, underneath-thegreat tides of humanity also, with ever-shifting movements.
Imperceptibly, he was drifting on the oceaniccurrents of life, and in a direction far out of his original course.
But all these tributaries, enormous as they were, sank into insignificance when compared with the renovation of the oceaniccurrents.
Massive icebergs melting in the North Atlantic stalled major oceaniccurrents, producing rapid regional oscillations between balmy mildness and harsh cold.
Thus, nonrandom planktonic dispersal associated with relatively stable oceaniccurrents, as well as additional ecological factors to be rigorously investigated (e.g.
The salts of the ocean have something to do with the creating of oceaniccurrents; which, in their turn, have a powerful influence on climates.