The cardinal number that is the sum of seven and one.
Eight people considered as a unit.
Examples for "octette"
Examples for "octette"
1The others heartily agreeing, the octette again set off in a hurry for the gymnasium.
2It held the octette, while men-servants in powder and gold-laced livery offered poires Zobraska, a subtle creation of the chef.
3The rest of the "live wire octette"-evenTimothy and Libbie-werehighly delighted by the outcome of Tommy's joke.
4"We're the live-wire octette, and we are going to let everybody know it," proclaimed Tommy Tucker vociferously.
Unit of digital information.
1Each number is the value of an octet of the 32 bits.
2Transferred from archive-quality prints with enhanced subtitles, this octet is a delight.
3It's narrower, for one thing, since the octet rule doesn't hold.
4Additional limits are set on the pair-production of massive colour-octet resonances.
5An octet string containing administrative information, preferably in human-readable form.
6A string octet striking up in the distant summer room.
7The top two bits in the first octet are coded to tell the address format.
8Presented by The Improvised Music Company in association with The Ticket, the octet epitomised quality.
9They play some times quarter, sometimes octet.
10St Rupertsburg are a Wellington female octet.
11Google keeps the full data for nine months and then obscures the last octet of the IP address.
12The least experienced of yesterday's octet was the 15-year-old Bulgarian Sesil Karatantcheva, who put out Venus Williams last week.
13Seven of them started the game, with Johnny Turner coming on in the second half to complete the octet.
14Carbon is element six and silicon element fourteen, and that gap of eight (another octet) is not coincidental.
15Each octet has a value between 0 and 255.
16Each piece of an Internet address (like 192) is called an "octet," representing one of four sets of eight bits.