She was still breathing shallowly; there was no ocularreflex yet.
What we're looking for in the ice-water caloric test is a vestibulo- ocularreflex.
Dynamics and kinematics of the angular vestibulo- ocularreflex in monkey: effects of canal plugging.
This tested their horizontal saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements as well as optokinetic nystagmus and vestibulo- ocularreflex.
Here we consider some potential neural mechanisms supporting SP and associated vestibular ocularreflex (VOR) behavior in normal and strabismic monkeys.
The progression of hearing impairment in affected family members was followed and the concomitant vestibular dysfunction was verified by the caloric vestibulo- ocularreflex test.
Purpose: An accurate vestibulo- ocularreflex is important for gaze stability, and is adaptable through modification, based on stable and repeated vestibular and visual feedback.
It was previously shown that slightly more caudal NOT lesions were more effective in altering gain adaptation of the angular vestibulo- ocularreflex (aVOR).
The time constants (TC) of the vertical CPPN ranged from 3 to 8 seconds, which corresponds to the TC of the vertical rotational vestibulo- ocularreflex.
Such experiences rely upon a neurological process-thevestibulo-ocularreflex-thatcoordinates eye and head movements.