Unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech.
Containing an unusual amount of grease or oil.
Examples for "buttery"
Examples for "buttery"
1Run to the buttery; his goatship will be wanting butter and cheese.
2This recipe uses cornflour and icing sugar to create the buttery texture.
3Soon, the first of the scholars came rapping upon the buttery hatch.
4I saw heaps and heaps of it in Farmer Green's buttery yesterday.
5You're thinking of those amazing rashers that don't shrink, with buttery toast.
1Residents said the treated water is clear but a bit soapy tasting.
2A few minutes later Kote returned with a bucket of soapy water.
3The statuette went to Jane Fonda for the somewhat soapy Coming Home.
4Wash the aprons in hot, soapy water; boil, rinse, and blue slightly.
5The bubble felt hard and slippery, like a glass in soapy water.
1Varys slithered to his feet, smiling in that unctuous way he had.
2John Michael Higgins is all unctuous anxiety as Evan's chief of staff.
3Canadian Shakespearean actor Douglas Rain won the role with neutral, unctuous tones.
4But such a man is all the more bound to be unctuous.
5Enough, that a very unctuous business was made of it that morning.
1But Russia's embrace of Greece has so far been less than fulsome.
2Reviewers, impressed by the weight of research and writing, have been fulsome.
3North, back on the left wing, earned fulsome praise from Jim Mallinder.
4The fulsome flatterer of former times has degenerated into a chronic fault-finder.
5Mrs Moffatt was talking about her, gushing over her, in fulsome phrases.
1Actually, those two pretty much set off my smarmy meter twenty-four, seven.
2Instead, on the dais, he wore his usual expression of smarmy piety.
3I need that file. Davis blew Ana a smarmy kiss and obeyed.
4Their responses to widespread, serious criticism can be grandiose and smarmy.
5It also explained the smarmy director, who'd given me a few creepy looks.
1Here, we report the genome sequence of the oleaginous A. oryzae BCC7051.
2However, these mutants still have a lower TAG productivity than wild-type oleaginous microalgae.
3The result was the same with oleaginous seeds: such as castor-oil and sunflower.
4That was what caused that greasy, oleaginous appearance of the wound.
5He was much more the apostle than the oleaginous counter of theological paperclips.
1The sea looked almost solid, like churning, oily lumps rather than water.
2The air shimmered with oily heat as the B-17's engines built power.
3The castor oil seed resembles in chemical composition the other oily seeds.
4The meal proceeded in silence save for an oily sarcasm from Henson.
5The most effective are omega-3 fats, which occur naturally in oily fish.
6The running, the growing heat, had left him feeling oily and gritty.
7Something lived out there in the oily gray water of the harbor.
8The suave, oily little Mayor came in, twinkling his eyes and saying:
9Something sort of smooth and glistening; like black, oily molasses slipping over.
10The dun river slipped along among the shipping with an oily gurgle.
11One of his soldiers pointed to a dark, oily-looking area of reeds.
12Let me see if I can rouse them from their oily slumber.
13I'm going to bed; you have interrupted the flow of-ofoily meditation.
14Never were the oily charms of Houston likely to seem more bountiful.
15Brigadier General Harold Barnabas Claybourne glowered at me from its oily surface.
16Just then the oily-headed clerk announced that Mr. Ranson was at liberty.
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