Ainda não temos significados para "old cavalier".
1A startling change had taken place in the expression of the old cavalier.
2The old cavalier Berkeley was going to make an imposing scene of it.
3Between Monsieur Dessin and the old cavalier a cordial friendship reigned.
4The hoarse tones and fiery tears of the old cavalier made my heart beat.
5The old cavalier remained a moment silent, absorbed in thought.
6The old cavalier cut a fresh slice of chine, sighed, and continued his sermon.
7The old cavalier attempted to end it by striking a sudden blow at his adversary.
8Sir Kenelm Digby, the old cavalier philosopher!-- anewname of interest to consecrate the place!
9It may readily be imagined how little such thwarting agrees with the old cavalier's fiery temperament.
10To do this fully we must identify ourselves in fancy with the soul of the old cavalier:-
11A groan followed the words: and bending down the old cavalier kissed the pale cheek of the boy.
12General Lee in his plain uniform, with that sedate dignity of bearing which made the gray old cavalier so superb.
13I declined the supper, but accepted the bed; and seated opposite the grizzled old cavalier, in his gray uniform, had begun to converse.
14Among the many claimants for its command, he picked out an old cavalier named Pedro Arias de Avila, called by the Spaniards Pedrarias.
15The very sameness of his existence did the old cavalier good; the few duties he had, he performed with the greatest diligence and exactitude.
16The stern old Cavalier received this rebel with cool civility.
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Old cavalier nas variantes da língua