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Significados de old shingles em inglês
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Uso de old shingles em inglês
Bare yellow rafters and dark oldshingles showed.
Be careful-those oldshingles can be treacherous.
When noon came he was working away on the roof, tearing the oldshingles off with a spade.
He hunkered back against the oldshingles, trying to blend in with the shadows as well as he could.
We had to prioritize, and one of the first things we did was to tear all the oldshingles from the roof.
Smoke billowed from between the oldshingles, half-obscuring the form, but Dale thought that he could make out Dr. Roon's black suit and bloodied features.
"Fine," he agreed, then laughed mirthlessly when he heard the plop of raindrops on the oldshingles of the roof.