The suit asserts that policy changes by HUD are pushing olderhomeowners into foreclosure.
Nevertheless, thousands of olderhomeowners took them out.
A home equity release scheme to help olderhomeowners to raise cash on their properties has been introduced.
The interest-only Bank of Ireland facility allows olderhomeowners to borrow up to 30 per cent of the value of their homes.
Now there are two different offerings in the market that enable olderhomeowners to get access to a lump sum or extra income.
Housing costs are what cripple the finances of families such as the Percys, while olderhomeowners pay no tax on unearned, property-boom profits.
A new financial product enabling olderhomeowners to exploit the value of their property goes on the market today - at a lower-than-expected interest rate.
Olderhomeowners in the bureau's focus groups "were generally confused" by the ads, director Richard Cordray told a news conference.