Lighted up by or as by fire or flame.
1However, Jay-Z's previous British signings haven't exactly set the world on fire.
2It's good when the way is clear and everything is on fire.'
3As a result' the entire engine which pumps water was on fire.
4He had always known he would go out this way: on fire.
5A car had been set on fire not far from the scene.
6Gates were smashed and rioters set 15 factories on fire, he said.
7The mouse had upset the lamp; the bed curtains were on fire.
8The common room hardly seemed as if the building were on fire.
9I set it on fire from the walls; no need for matches.
10This place is a house on fire, just like its incendiary food.
11The nearby headquarters of the security services was also set on fire.
12After their first repulses the enemy always set the house on fire.
13An interesting example is found in the Antrim adverb alow, on fire.
14The attackers, who struck late on Monday, also set vehicles on fire.
15So the tool has just really caught on fire with law enforcement.
16The trees were beautiful; the forests were on fire with their leaves.