The number that is represented as a one followed by 6 zeros.
Examples for "million"
Examples for "million"
1Depression costs Irish business £170 million each year in lost work days.
2However, 5 million public sector workers will continue to suffer wage freezes.
3Water services assets book value is about 15 million euros, he said.
4The condition leads to nearly 1 million hospitalizations per year, Medtronic said.
5Industry sources say these slots have a market value of £50 million.
1Secretary-General Dame Meg Taylor will end her second three-year term this year.
2Pacnews reports Dame Meg as saying she will visit Bougainville next year.
3Can Megs remain focused on football despite some spiky issues at home?
4Peabody said Husky will soon meet with MEG shareholders about the deal.
5We apply this approach to beamformer reconstructed MEG data in source space.
1A million is one thousand thousand.
Translations for one thousand thousand