Ainda não temos significados para "only furnishing".
1The room was neat but bare, the stove, a table, and three chairs its only furnishing.
2At the centre of the room a woman sat in the chamber's only furnishing: a plain wood chair.
3It was a room very much in the rough; boards for walls, for ceiling, for floor, its only furnishing a fire.
4Within that immense curve of computer-filtered carnage, the only furnishing was one lone chair, centered in an expanse of empty floor.
5The only furnishing in the hut was a squat log, almost the size of a butcher's block, which served as a table.
6The room was bare, containing nothing except a comfortable down bed, the only furnishing of any value Khalid had seen inside the cavernous home.
7When they were done, they took me to the Prophet's side and placed me on the lambskin, the only furnishing inside that tiny cell.
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