Ainda não temos significados para "only one-eighth".
1Thus the color-line is drawn at one-fourth of Negro blood, and persons with only one-eighth are white.
2If she has a similar daughter, that daughter, a slave and called a Greek, is only one-eighth Greek.
3Sales per store represented only one-eighth of the national average for convenience stores, according to data from BNP Paribas.
4The population of France was once a fourth of the population of Europe, but now it is only one-eighth.
5Their linear dimensions are barely half those of the other sex, which implies a volume only one-eighth as great.
6The sum of squares of residual errors with Hansen's Tables is only one-eighth part of that with Burckhardt's Tables.
7Its share of the duties collected at the Lower Canada ports until 1817 had been only one-eighth, afterwards increased to one-fifth.
8By the Missouri code of 1855, the color line was drawn at one-fourth of Negro blood, and persons of only one-eighth were legally white.