Ainda não temos significados para "only politicians".
1SIN It is not only politicians who are talking about the threat.
2If only politicians had done more to punish bankers after the crash.
3And hard decisions will require compromise that only politicians can deliver.
4It used to be the case that only politicians and orators communicated using the soundbite.
5In the end, the only politicians to lose their jobs during the impeachment crisis were Republicans.
6I am not referring to only politicians.
7We are only politicians... my dear aunt.
8The only politicians present for the reopening were from South Ayrshire council, led by the provost, Helen Moonie.
9Ministers aren't the only politicians leaving the country next week during the Dail's break for St Patrick's day festivities.
10Not only politicians, but also the directors of the consumer society, couldn't care less about people, merely about market share.
11Still, they are perhaps the only politicians whose appeal cuts across caste and religious lines, which decide most elections in the country.
12It is not only politicians' hands that are tied under Article 40.3.3; it is ours as voters.
13Only politicians of principle opposed it -and there were precious few of those.
14Only politicians can do that.
15"My father once told me that only politicians are expected to answer a question with a question."
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