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Significados de opposing powers em inglês
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Uso de opposing powers em inglês
She had just seen herself a subject of dispute between two opposingpowers.
The harmony of the universe is the result of a contest between equal and opposingpowers.
The Assembly raised its claims each session and fulminated against all the opposingpowers in windy resolutions.
But the opposingpowers were too strong.
By sheer force of will he had won his way, had risen above adverse circumstances, had fought down obstacles, and conquered opposingpowers.
He explained that he had been occupied in a bitter struggle on the poem's behalf against opposingpowers, but so far his efforts were ineffectual.
Oncken endeavours to show that Austria's demands were not excessive, and expresses astonishment that the opposingPowers found them exorbitant.
Opposingpowers and ideologies will lead to inevitable clashes, but even with vast ideological differences, rational minds can invariably find common ground, given sufficient incentive.