Cover with a layer of organiccompost, 6 inches thick.
The waste is converted into castings manure, organiccompost and a natural alternative to fertilisers.
The worms convert tonnes of edible waste into castings manure, an organiccompost… Audio, Gallery
The City Council transports the waste from market to a composting facility where it's turned into rich, organiccompost.
The garden follows organic and no-dig farming principles and is topped up with about three cubic metres of organiccompost a month.
In 2014, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un urged farmers to use human faeces, along with animal waste and organiccompost, to fertilize their fields.
Christchurch-based Glopac wants to go a step further and make them recyclable for organiccompost, but that's turning into a long and frustrating battle.
Part of the Revital Group, which describes itself as an organiccompost producer, it is also involved in "landfarming" of oil and gas drilling waste.