Chief deity of Zoroastrianism; source of light and embodiment of good.
Examples for "Ormuzd"
Examples for "Ormuzd"
1Ahriman, the Evil Spirit in the dual system of Zoroaster, See Ormuzd
2In the name and friendship of Ormuzd be ever shining, be very enlarged.
3It is true that Ormuzd was replaced by Allah, and Ahriman by Satan.
4The Persians called God, Ormuzd, the Greeks, Orpheus, the Egyptians, Osiris.
5But remember, the 'Zend-Avesta' promises that Ormuzd shall finally conquer and reign supreme.
1Therefore did Ahura Mazda give you names, O ye beneficent ones!
2How many in number are thy contracts, O Ahura Mazda?
3That thou, Ahura Mazda, takest them down to the corpses?
4O Ahura Mazda, most beneficent Spirit, Maker of the material world, thou Holy One!
5The god I was praying to when you came in, his name is Ahura Mazda.
1Here Ormazd holds a tribunal and decides the fate of the souls.
2Ahura Mazda or Ormazd is the King of Light; the Good.
3Everything earthly in the light-world of Ormazd had its protecting deity.
4The Achaemenian kings joined him occasionally with Ormazd in their invocations.
5But Ormazd placed them under the control of his planets to restrain them.
6The Zarathustrian law created by Ormazd I take as a plummet.
7He is uncaused, co-eternal with Ormazd, engaged in a perpetual warfare with him.
8Ormazd made six good gods, and Ahriman six of a quite contrary nature.
9These, with Ormazd, are the seven Amshaspands enumerated on page 197.
10Lesser Deities subject to Ormazd: Mithra, Serosh, Vayu, Airyanam, Vitraha, etc.
11The sympathy was increased by the fact that the religion of Ormazd was anti-idolatrous.
12He was the special messenger of Ormazd, and the head of his celestial army.
13Eventually, in the great world catastrophe, he will be defeated by Ormazd and disappear.
14The supremacy of Ormazd was from first to last admitted.
15In processions his chariot, drawn by milk-white horses, followed closely on that of Ormazd.
16Whatever good thing Ormazd creates, Ahriman corrupts and ruins it.