Ainda não temos significados para "other climes".
1I have taken my rest, and off I go to other climes.
2The clouds were not as those we knew in other climes and years.
3He seems to belong to another race, and to other climes and conditions.
4At this period of the day they can find no rivals in other climes.
5It reminds me of somebody-somebodyI knew in other climes.
6Say good-by to your yellow boys; those pretty canaries are off to other climes.
7Of the vegetable productions transplanted from other climes, maize flourishes beyond any other grain.
8Proud to be named by men of other climes
9Some celestial quality, distinguishing it from all other climes, must for ever linger about it.
10In other climes, where lavishly he pours
11When she puts on goloshes it nearly breaks his heart, and he would fly to other climes!
12But, unlike the Albinos of other climes, their eyes are invariably blue, and no way intolerant of light.
13Travelers from other climes who visit our country seldom return until they have drank from these celebrated fountains.
14Pelham and his cavalry had just been sent to other climes, marching overland to "the Plains."
15He set sail with a band of his followers for other climes, but what became of them is not known.
16The riches, the luxuries, the products of other climes and nations are brought to cities, and thence distributed through the land.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Other climes ao longo do tempo
Other climes nas variantes da língua