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Significados de other installations em inglês
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Uso de other installations em inglês
I also have appointments at the Army Medical College and certain otherinstallations.
We must leave this system before the otherinstallations fire!
This arrangement, which possesses great advantages, had already been adopted in many otherinstallations.
Unlike the graceful spires of otherinstallations, this one appeared squat and vaguely arachnid.
There's also the possibility that it could find its way into museums or otherinstallations.
State oil giant Pemex said its refineries and otherinstallations were operating normally after the tremors.
Tunnel leading to library and otherinstallations.
Soldiers guard platforms and otherinstallations, they say, or travel with oil tankers or other modes of transport.
You can hear more of the BBC interview here, including explanations about otherinstallations such as Watching the Watchers.
Darfur rebels said they attacked a Chinese-run oil field in Sudan today and vowed to launch more assaults on otherinstallations.
When Jarry spoke to Station Eleven that afternoon, he learned that similar occurrences had occasionally been noted by attendants of otherinstallations.
Police intervened, and the alarm was sounded, activating federal police and the armed forces, del Angel said, adding that otherinstallations were also attacked.
Significant damage to the installation, possibly including damage causing major on-site recovery problems such as partial reactor core melt and comparable events at otherinstallations.
Across Wasit Province, across southern Iraq, government buildings, police stations, civil defense garrisons and otherinstallations set up by the Americans were sacked and overrun.
The FUP umbrella union for oil workers said the strike would not stop production, but could cause disruptions to operations at refineries or otherinstallations.
Occupy Wall Street "have not demonstrated a first amendment right to remain in Zuccotti Park, along with their tents, structures, generators and otherinstallations."