Ainda não temos significados para "other victuals".
1One felt that more generosity was expressed in the provision of wine than in the other victuals.
2The number of the cows is positively told, and we must suppose other victuals in like proportion.
3And into the kitchen I went, where a good neck of mutton at the fire, and other victuals boiling.
4And he decided to load the ship entirely with wheat and other victuals, and embark to give aid to Rhodes.
5On returning to the village they break the good news to the people, and receive eggs and other victuals as a reward.
6He likewise gave various things to be scrambled for among the people, and distributed to every man a basket of bread with other victuals.
7The cookes cried hot ribbes of beef roasted, pies well baked, and other victuals: there was clattering of pewter pots, harpe, pipe, and sawtrie. Alas!
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