Examples for "again"
Examples for "again"
1Therefore, race relations were again a priority issue-albeitin a different way.
2However, come summer and another heatwave, the water crisis will begin again.
3Since it went to press, however, cases have begun to rise again.
4But society needs a way to allow people to start over again.
5The EU will try to press its point again later this month.
1The case once again hit the front pages of newspapers across Europe.
2Especially since I have recently seen The Treaty on RTE once again.
3A political crisis or economic downturn would once again test HSBC's resilience.
4So let's open up the floor once again in this new year.
5We will once again hear alarming statistics of murders and domestic violence.
1Laurence breathed once more; hearing it, said aloud, made everything quite clear.
2Malta had stemmed the Turkish tide; Europe could rest easy once more.
3And of course, the alcohol ban came up for discussion once more.
4Ten years on from the last financial crisis, recession looms once more.
5However, the Flyers took the lead once more just 89 seconds later.
1But society needs a way to allow people to start over again.
2It's really popular in Europe, he would say over and over again.
3Don't let one old issue escalate all over again; let it go.
4It'll be the French Revolution plus the Russian Revolution all over again.
5Written words have the benefit of being read over and over again.
6She could say nothing but the same words over and over again:
7It was quite the scene, the decadent Last Days all over again.
8Until we find new idols, and start the process all over again.
9For a Mars mission, however, things may get strange all over again.
10She had lived over and over again the scene in the restaurant.
11It's time to fall in love all over again.I know, I know.
12To see what had been declared impossible happen over and over again.
13She said to me over and over again: 'It's Quebert, it's Quebert!
14Just keep saying it over and over again until you believe it.
15Always read the questions very cautiously, and then read it over again.
16I asked them to say it over again, one at a time.
Translations for over again