With its creaking public health systems, overcrowdedslums and limited testing capacity, Africa was a particular concern.
Such restraint is not popular with some youngsters who see little future in overcrowdedslums where jobs are scarce.
Many end up in overcrowdedslums, lacking even basic facilities and with no claim on the land or the property.
Contemporary philanthropy, I believe, recognizes that extreme poverty and overcrowdedslums are veritable breeding-grounds of epidemics, disease, delinquency and dependency.
Malnourished young children living in dirty, overcrowdedslums often fall prey to diarrhea, pneumonia and malaria, which can be fatal without the right treatment.
Malnourished young children living in dirty, overcrowdedslums often fall prey to diarrhoea, pneumonia and malaria, which can be fatal without the right treatment.
The biggest concern is Manila, an urban sprawl of 16 cities fused together, known for its overcrowdedslums, limited open spaces and horrendous traffic congestion.
But there is a chasm between cities where growth is controlled and those where the relentless quest to find work is creating polluted, overcrowdedslums.
Immaculate wine estates roll into each other until separated by overcrowdedslums full of tin shacks, abandoned vans and residents standing outside under wet skies.