Ainda não temos significados para "own android".
1A word processor sounded both uncreative and like something with a mind of its own that might impose its own android habits on the user.
2Maybe more people in the world would own Android phones than iPhones.
3This explains why Amazon started its own Android Appstore a few months back.
4And Samsung has proved willing to experiment with its own Android software interface.
5Apple couldn't tap Google for help, because Google owns Android.
6Last year Google reached the two billion mark on its own Android operating system alone.
7Even Google has launched its own Android phone.
8Against that though, it puts it on a collision course with its own Android-buying customers, notably Samsung.
9Between them, Apple's iOS and Google's own Android operating system run on most of the world's devices.
10Wanna try building your own Android bot?
11Upstart, independent challengers such as AndSpot and SlideMe are slready trying to create their own Android app stores.
12And, of course, it became illegal to biofacture or own androids within the Hegemony shortly after my own creation.
13DoubleTwist, the iTunes-replacing app that will sync your music to your media player, has gotten its own Android app.
14Google plans to extend its Apps mobile administration features to other devices later this year, including the company's own Android platform.
15It laid out five reasons why it believed there was little evidence that its own Android apps were getting favourable treatment.
16Phones with Google's own Android system and no customizations added on-increasinglya rare thing these days-allhave the same look and feel.
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