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Significados de own detriment em inglês
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Uso de own detriment em inglês
I think it's to their owndetriment if they remain there.
What it does beyond that, it does arbitrarily and to its owndetriment.
To try and please everyone and keep everyone happy -sometimes to my owndetriment.
It's a lie I used to believe and so many people believe it to their owndetriment.
While he preached, he practised; often, it must be confessed, a good deal to his owndetriment.
Miss Catharine generally, even at that early age, carried all before her, much to her owndetriment.
What in the world can be more ridiculous than commercial laws carried out to one's owndetriment?
Some polite Bostonians knew him chiefly on this side, and judged him to their owndetriment from it.
It contains but one hall, where all classes of sick people are packed together, to their owndetriment.
The peasants had used their liberty and their privileges to their owndetriment and to the detriment of others!
Would anyone who has endured such legal acrobatics to his owndetriment in real life now please raise his hand?
Patton says that sometimes we focus too much one drug at our owndetriment and need to remember that addiction is addiction.
My guess is that you were taught something in childhood about putting other people first, or making them happy to your owndetriment.
Often due to social expectations, women are nurturers to their owndetriment -and in this way, breast health can be impacted upon negatively.
The down side to language is that, because it is so direct, it is easy to unknowingly use this sense to your owndetriment.
Would laboring men, who respect-muchto their owndetriment-thepretended rights of the idler, violate the natural rights of the producer and the manufacturer?