Ainda não temos significados para "painful indecision".
1Mrs Wyllys answered not, but she stood the image of doubt and painful indecision.
2He stood by the pantry sink in painful indecision.
3The transaction over, he felt the deceptive buoyancy that follows on periods of painful indecision.
4To these offers Herbert listened with painful indecision.
5With a painful indecision McCann pulled a paper from his pocket which I saw was a warrant.
6Robert watched her in painful indecision.
7Presently in the midst of his painful indecision, an answer suggested itself like a whispered hint from some invisible prompter:
8At length after walking up and down the street in a state of painful indecision he returned and ventured to knock.
9Rachael, one arm on Magsie's shoulder, her whole figure and her face expressing painful indecision, had never seemed so remote, so goddesslike.
10At times she would display a lack of willpower, and an element of painful indecision; while at other times she showed exceptional firmness.
11He had grown very pale, and was pushing the hair from his forehead with the gesture habitual to him in moments of painful indecision.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Painful indecision ao longo do tempo
Painful indecision nas variantes da língua