However, a Labour aide said that the Saturday agreement remains in place.
An aide said a vote could come as soon as next week.
However the aide also said they were convinced Prince Andrew is innocent.
I started working as a classroom aide in Baltimore 50 years ago.
Both premiers are resolved to fight terrorism together, an aide also said.
Uso de parliamentary aide em inglês
Rob Wilson, Hunt's parliamentaryaide, drew up questions for MPs to ask after his Commons statement.
Shah stood down as parliamentaryaide to the shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, and the problem was resolved quickly.
Paul Burstow was appointed in Lamb's stead, and Lamb was given a role as parliamentaryaide to Clegg.
In 1998 she became parliamentaryaide to Nick Brown, the agriculture minister and a key ally of the chancellor.
Sources close to Jim Devine confirmed he had quit his post as parliamentaryaide at the Department of Health.
The parliamentaryaide to British Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth has resigned after criticising policy on Afghanistan, it was confirmed tonight.
He has never been a minister, but for a year he served as parliamentaryaide to Rosie Winterton, a health minister.
Mr Brown suffered a reverse late on Thursday following the resignation of Eric Joyce, parliamentaryaide to defence secretary Bob Ainsworth.
He has stepped aside as a parliamentaryaide to Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, to spend more time with their son.
A parliamentaryaide said: 'He used to say that in his KGB days their main methods were "bribery, blackmail and murder".
Rudd rose rapidly under the patronage of Osborne in the last parliament, starting off as his parliamentaryaide and ending up in the cabinet.
A rapid rise Just a few years after his election, Williamson became David Cameron's parliamentaryaide, acting as his eyes and ears among MPs.
He was also issued with a restraining order banning him from contacting Allen directly or indirectly, save at official engagements or through a parliamentaryaide.
Alberto Costa - who resigned as a parliamentaryaide over the issue - welcomed the statement, but said the promise should be "underpinned by law".
There are 121 MPs on the payroll vote'' as ministers or their parliamentaryaides who are obliged to vote with the government or resign.
Any member of the government "payroll vote" -ministers and their parliamentaryaides -who defy a three-line whip would have to resign.