Human conception without fertilization by a man.
Examples for "parthenogenesis"
Examples for "parthenogenesis"
1Welcome to the bizarre world of virgin births known officially as parthenogenesis.
2Is it true that female Primula plants always produce females by parthenogenesis?
3Further south, where it is colder, there are all-female populations reproducing by parthenogenesis.
4They are probably thelytokous, which is a fancy name for parthenogenesis.
5In parthenogenesis, reproduction is achieved by development of an unfertilized egg.
1Which may yet make logic the biggest superstition since the virgin birth.
2I was schooled by nuns peddling water-and-wine miracles, virgin birth, and resurrection.
3He should also believe in the virgin birth of the Saviour.
4The virgin birth is the doctrine of Christ's birth without a human father.
5Could anyone without Sway convince the masses of a virgin birth?
Translations for parthenogeny