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Significados de passed great em inglês
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Uso de passed great em inglês
Several times we passedgreat whirlpools, sometimes shifting, sometimes steady.
As they approached the edge of the sea ice they passedgreat lakes of open water.
We passedgreat holes freshly made, neatly blown out of the macadam, then a dead horse.
Occasionally we passedgreat tracts of lupine.
We passedgreat numbers of hippopotami.
We passedgreat slopes entirely covered with mulberry and olive trees, whilst in the valleys there were fields of maize and corn.
They passedgreat tangles of wild grapes that scented the air, here and there an island shimmering with the bloom of blueberries.
He passedgreat cavalcades of nobles and soldiers, and marvelled at their straight, slim rapiers, so different from the heavy Polish saber.
It passedgreat armored Kufstein standing across the beautiful and solemn gorge, denying the right of way to all the foes of Austria.
It passedgreat armoured Kuffstein standing across the beautiful and solemn gorge, denying the right of way to all the foes of Austria.
On the 4th and 5th, our navigators, continuing their course to the south-east, passedgreat quantities of pumice-stone.
The younger man, fatigued with travel, was soon asleep; Lempriere, with more to think of, passedgreat part of the night in wakeful anxiety.
He passedgreat encomiums upon the commanders who had distinguished themselves, and historians dwelt particularly upon his visit to the tent of the English earl.
On our way back we passedgreat swamps where there were duck, but we had had enough of them to last us for the present.