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Significados de patient interaction em inglês
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Uso de patient interaction em inglês
Associations with patient -reported physician- patientinteraction quality were assessed for both measures.
A structured approach to the patientinteraction provides a general framework for an efficient consultation.
These findings have implications for important issues such as adoption of telemedicine, patient satisfaction, and doctor- patientinteraction.
Redesigning the Doctor's Appointment Video visits are convenient, but more lightweight doctor- patientinteraction could be an even better experience.
This study examined the influence of multidisciplinary teams on patients ' assessments of primary care, including access, integration, and clinician- patientinteraction quality.
The presence, stage and prognosis of the disease, physician- patientinteraction, and communication with proxies who provide contextual information are factors influencing the process.
Conclusions and implications for practice: The dramatic increase in HPV-associated head and neck cancers has resulted in a changed paradigm of the physician- patientinteraction.
Maria Lobifaro, a New York intensive care unit (ICU) nurse treating veterans with COVID-19, said they normally change masks after every patientinteraction.
Objective: To assess appreciation and quality of doctor- patientinteraction by exploring standardized patients' (SP) opinions on aspects of the interaction between doctors and standardized patients.
However, within these timeframe large volumes of complex information were shared and important nurse- patientinteractions occurred.
Background: Little is known about current physician- patientinteractions regarding smoking cessation when a prescription is given for cessation medications.
The health care worker had reported wearing full PPE for all patientinteractions and a mask at all other times.
Further refinement and validation of this preliminary taxonomy can guide future education and training interventions to facilitate compassion in physician- patientinteractions.
The 1 million patientinteractions every 36 hours.
Physicians need Web 2.0 for EMR rollouts The use of Web 2.0 isn't limited to physician- patientinteractions.
Nine million 999 calls have been answered; and an estimated 150million different patientinteractions delivered by community services.