Ainda não temos significados para "penetrating eyes".
1Teten is about six foot four with penetrating eyes behind wire-rim glasses.
2But as she faced his penetrating eyes, her composure became less assured.
3He is young, he is a handsome man with broad, penetrating eyes.
4Bridget's deep-set penetrating eyes glittered as she turned them on her sister.
5He had had the same delightful voice, the same penetrating eyes.
6From beneath shaggy and questioning brows his penetrating eyes looked straight through me.
7Helen beamed on him for reply, and his swift, penetrating eyes observed her.
8Bruno, the great dog, comes forward and studies him with sagacious, penetrating eyes.
9We have a greater purpose. She looked away from his gleaming, penetrating eyes.
10She returns the stare smiling with the same penetrating eyes as her father.
11And their penetrating eyes seemed to follow Danny as he passed.
12Can I expect always to conceal this passion from the most penetrating eyes?
13The young parish priest had had such fervent, penetrating eyes, always watching him.
14She looked at me for a few moments with her penetrating eyes, nodding.
15They were achingly real, penetrating eyes, filled with pain and fear and misery.
16But could her distress escape the anxious, penetrating eyes of affection?
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