In Freudian psychoanalysis, the female psychosexual developmental stage when young girls experience anxiety upon realizing that they lack a penis; begins the transition from attachment to the mother to competition with the mother for the father.
What's all this talk about sublimation and Oedipus complexes and penisenvy?
Freud was the brilliant mind behind penisenvy, which is absurd.
The damn woman has the worst case of penisenvy I've ever seen.
At least no one can accuse you of penisenvy.
For example, there is scant evidence of " penisenvy" in nature.
Inevitably, some saw penisenvy in the text, rendering Alice's extending neck a kind of copycat erection.
I didn't really know what they expected to hear-a bad case of penisenvy, maybe, or Ten Nights with a Candle.
This dendrological penisenvy is about seeing trees as individuals detached from their forest identity, and it can work both ways.
The JNU historian Tanika Sarkar was perhaps right in identifying " penisenvy and anxiety about emasculation" among the principal reasons for anti-Muslim bigotry.