Ainda não temos significados para "peopled in".
1Reach Toulouse, which is a very large and very ancient city, but not peopled in proportion to its size.
2California, almost simultaneously with her acquisition, was peopled in the course of a few months by the world-renowned gold discoveries.
3Having first opened them, I place a number of peas which are found to be well peopled in a glass test-tube.
4In all times, nations which have grown rapidly and have been developed in arts and sciences have been peopled in the same manner.
5In the north, Prescott was founded in May, 1864, and the Verde Valley was peopled in February, 1865.
6I am afraid I shall soon get tired of this negro population and these towns, all built and all peopled in the same manner.
7[Footnote: It is curious to observe how largely this country was peopled in its earlier days by refugees for religious faith.
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