Ainda não temos significados para "perfectly good".
1Of course, Microsoft had perfectly good reasons for undertaking the security overhaul.
2You interrupted a perfectly good pipe, I'll have you know, young lady.
3Each of these services may have a perfectly good reason for self-linking.
4The one that I have is perfectly good and far more healthful.
5This is a perfectly good, runnable script-butit has a few problems.
6Suppose she'd misconstrued the evidence, and Julia had a perfectly good explanation?
7He has one perfectly good arm and some use of the other.
8I wrote a perfectly good letter and I didn't get a reply.
9See if I waste a perfectly good inspirational story on you again.
10Are leg loops just perfectly good nylon slings with some extra padding?
11They don't use up perfectly good ones to haul their old hides.
12Nanette's Arabic was perfectly good, but Assad had insisted on translating anyway.
13I could tell a perfectly good lie even without all that help.
14God is perfectly good; and needs not therefore any good from us.
15There you stood in the forest, a perfectly good, green young tree.
16I wasn't dressed for riding, and I ruined a perfectly good skirt.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Perfectly good ao longo do tempo
Perfectly good nas variantes da língua
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