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Significados de perilous voyages em inglês
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Uso de perilous voyages em inglês
It has been my lot to have made many long, and some perilousvoyages.
There are signs that overcrowding in Bangladeshi camps could prompt many others to make similarly perilousvoyages.
Rohingya have made perilousvoyages to Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia for years, fleeing Myanmar or poverty in refugee camps in Bangladesh.
They went upon their perilousvoyages to distant parts of Europe and more distant parts of Africa in search of wealth.
For eight years he had been at the helm, and had brought the ship of state safely through her first perilousvoyages.
Rohingya have made perilousvoyages to Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia for years, fleeing persecution in Myanmar and poverty in refugee camps in Bangladesh.
If the lock resists your efforts, you will be derided and scorned in love and perilousvoyages will bring to you no benefit.
After all her perilousvoyages and wonderful escapes from the enemy she was beached on Petty's Island in the Delaware River opposite Kensington, Philadelphia.