Ainda não temos significados para "petulant tone".
1The voice had now grown stronger, with a petulant tone through it.
2She suddenly dropped her half- petulant tone; she suddenly ceased to be a spoiled child.
3Nora said in pseudo- petulant tone, "I've been damned with very faint praise."
4I don't like it, she added, in a petulant tone.
5The other answered, in a petulant tone, "I a'n't going to school."
6Brand, in a petulant tone; I won't be kept out of my rights any longer.
7In a curt and half- petulant tone, she answered,-
8In conversation their voice is raised to a high pitch, or assumes a whining, petulant tone.
9A raven brow arched at her petulant tone.
10Louise grinned down at her sister's petulant tone.
11His stark expression eased at her petulant tone and a tiny smile tugged at his lips.
12In a high, petulant tone he said: No, of course they won't have the information here, Dixon.
13The petulant tone was merely an artifice.
14As soon as he had pulled up his horse he called out in a petulant tone, Well!
15As they were all going out together, the assistant surgeon said to them, in a petulant tone of voice:
16She had not readily recovered from the petulant tone of anger with which Janet told her not to come peeping and worrying.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Petulant tone ao longo do tempo
Petulant tone nas variantes da língua