This classic work still remains a model of careful observation united to profound philosophicspeculation.
And yet," with philosophicspeculation, "these two widely diversified types are sometimes friends.
He looked past her into the vast stretches of the lobby and found there much for philosophicspeculation.
The two civilisations embodied the principles of the Beautiful and the Sublime, of Morality and Æstheticism, of religious and philosophicspeculation.
They were puffed up with eloquence and philosophicspeculation, and forgot that there is no "sweetness and light" comparable to the Gospel.
Apart from these efforts, however, socialism in this sense belongs to the history of thought or philosophicspeculation, not of actual economic and social development.
Sceptical as he was in many ways, he had the belief which is fundamental, which no scientific discovery or philosophicspeculation can shake or move.
But the thinker, the man who devotes himself to scientific inquiry and philosophicspeculation, works, so to speak, in reason, not simply by *.
The interest of Natural History existed long before Darwinian evolution was thought of and will endure without any reference to philosophicspeculations.