Prefix denoting 10 to the −12th power.
Examples for "laures"
Examples for "laures"
1Father Laures, Jr., seizes his arm and explains that we are German.
2Laures Park of the New Zealand Education Institute said teachers who were not confident in Māori often needed extra help to teach it.
3Father Luhmer and Father Laures found a dead man in a nearby house who had already become bloated and who emitted a frightful odor.
1Add in a pico-projector and... Well, that's something coming in a future post.
2We also present the software tool PicoInversionMiner to detect pico-inplace-inversions between closely related species.
3I have neither the energy nor the pico de gallo to joke about this.
4Mouth full of pico de gallo, I nodded my agreement.
5If you're lucky, that'll be pico, a very easy system.
6Sprinkle with cheese, and then top or serve with pico de gallo and sour cream.
7It costs at Canton two taes and seven maces per pico; and, delivered at Macan, three.
8Serve with fresh cilantro, pico de gallo, lime wedges, avocados, grilled onions, and, of course, fresh tortillas.
9The pico is not a fixed weight.
10We tested HIV strains using this assay for sensitivity and quantification ability at the pico-gram per millilter level.
11I guess I'll just have to stick to pico projectors and darkened rooms when friends come to visit.
12With the pico projector, you can project this tablet onto any wall to simulate a large widescreen TV.
13It costs fifteen maçes per pico, and is sold in Xapon for three and four and one-half taes.
14You might be thinking of the Optoma Neo-I and Wowwee Cinemin Slice pico projectors that debuted earlier this year.
15It took only a pico-second for him to process, but that tiny sliver of time seemed to stretch infinitely.
16The project is named picoJava.