I could tell what book it was -a pictorialrecord of the Queen's life.
The Archæological Survey, for preserving an accurate pictorialrecord of monuments already excavated but liable to destruction.
Since the mid-1970s, Martin Gale's paintings have provided a remarkable pictorialrecord of the reality of contemporary rural Ireland.
I've been engaged for years in trying to make a lasting pictorialrecord of the Indians and their ways.
The second part of the celebration, which took place in the Olivier theatre, was a mixture of pictorialrecord, public performance and personal reminiscence.
As part of its centenary celebrations the Abbey Theatre has produced a lavish pictorialrecord of productions on the stage of the national theatre.
A remarkable pictorialrecord of Indian maharajas is the work of an Irish photographer of the famed Lafayette studio, writes David Orr in Delhi.
In the libraries there were wire-tape pictorialrecords of the Holocaust.
The first page read: "A PictorialRecord Of Man's Economic Progress."
It must have been long ago, because there are pictorialrecords from Egyptian tombs that give directions for herbed loaves.