A sport where two or four players use a bat to play a small, light plastic ball over a net onto a table.
1The minute he said it the old ping pong blame game started.
2It was fantastic ping pong to be fair to both teams, though.
3How do you teach a baby to play ping pong, he asked.
4It's as interesting as this ping pong ball balancing on a straw.
5Take a baseball and a ping pong ball and drop them together.
6Adapted Terrestrial Games Think of a game - say ping pong.
7In normal ping pong, it is clear if the ball misses the table.
8Their employees enjoy ping pong tournaments, poetry slams, spoof Olympics, and charity events.
9It seemed like it was ping pong all day, Dawson said.
10It's more than just dance routines, parties, and ping pong tournaments.
11So it's not Bernoulli that causes the ping pong balls to move together.
12If you're a startup, you have a ping pong table in your office.
13He's also a skilled equestrian, kayaker, cyclist, and ping pong player.
14It's that air being vectored outward, shoving the ping pong balls together inward.
15David reaches into the bag and pulls out ping pong ball number 7.
16That outward shove pushes the ping pong balls together, inward.
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