Ainda não temos significados para "pinned so".
1But he had pinned so much on this!
2The right one is pinned so it can't take out the right engine, and it has less room to swivel.
3Their kiss was broken by the necessity of him arching his hips to keep her pinned so she could move.
4Keeping interest rates pinned so low for so long has put many savers, especially the elderly, in an increasingly uncomfortable position.
5We were pinned so close to it that we could not help seeing it, even in the excitement of our situation.
6Unfortunately, they were pinned so tight that he could only shoot where it was already pointing, which was over his left shoulder.
7It was the 22-year-old's first goal in 12 games and a timely reminder of the talent Everton have pinned so much hope upon.
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