A form of military punishment used by the British in the late 17th century in which a soldier was forced to stand on one foot on a pointed stake.
1But, in the mean time, suppose we have a game of piquet.
2While at piquet this noble lord can get the better of me.
3We might have a hand or two of piquet in my rooms.
4On the other hand, young Roderick Boole thinks he can play piquet.
5Citizen Lamarque and I were having a little game of piquet-forvegetables.
6Harry was happy to be able to play piquet with his aunt.
7Dr. Rollinson chuckled to himself, and they continued their game of piquet.
8Soldiers on piquet often gambled within sight of an enemy's advanced post.
9No, they hadn't got piquet, but they're the plain shape you like.
10A 'piquet' of 'gens d'armes', he said, was all that was necessary.
11That must be a piquet of the Indian regiment stationed outside the town.
12Now when I played piquet last with De Lannes of Poitou-
13A certain evening at piquet would then most likely never have taken place.
14Card games were popular, especially primero, trump, piquet, saint, and decoy.
15A debt of honour at piquet preceded the claim of a bill- discounter.
16You may see traces of discouragement in my letter: all due to piquet!
Piquet nas variantes da língua