Concise and full of meaning.
Examples for "sententious"
Examples for "sententious"
1Another long and deliberate pause succeeded these sententious questions and ready replies.
2Politics is largely governed by sententious platitudes which are devoid of truth.
3Perry dispatched to Washington the sententious message: We have met the enemy.
4At times he is sententious, energetic, simple; then again, obscure and diffuse.
5Samuel Bowers had removed his cigar to let fall a sententious observation.
1Inman originally targeted FunnyJunk with a pithy blog post a year ago.
2Answer: no, it is not a pithy take on George Graham's Arsenal.
3To this I naturally replied that him; but his answer was pithy.
4The walls of his room were covered with poetry and pithy sentences.
5The truth of these pithy adages was now about to be shown.
6He was diligent in preaching,-moralsermons that were short, pithy, and useful.
7The press ate up his pithy quotes, bons mots, and dry witticisms.
8His expression is original and fresh, pithy and robust, honest and straightforward.
9We wrote long letters to them, and received brief but pithy replies.
10Here, again, is a singularly pithy, comprehensive, and beautiful piece of advice:-
11I will instead spend my morning composing pithy poems about my opponents!
12It effectively tied my tongue, which was well practiced in pithy rejoinders.
13Yes, I used the same jokes and pithy remarks, but for different audiences.
14Au contraire, the deal was rejected precisely because it produced a pithy headline.
15Immense was the applause that followed the short, pithy speech of the Bourgeois.
16The interior of the tree is full of useless pithy matter.
Pithy nas variantes da língua
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