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Significados de placental transfusion em inglês
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Uso de placental transfusion em inglês
Early cord clamping is an avoidable, unphysiologic intervention that prevents the natural process of placentaltransfusion.
The blood which transfers to the baby between birth and cord clamping is called placentaltransfusion.
We will also review several factors that influence placentaltransfusion, and discuss perceived risks versus benefits of this procedure.
Recently there have been a number of studies and presentations on the importance of providing a placentaltransfusion to the newborn.
Umbilical cord milking (UCM) is proposed for increasing placentaltransfusion when immediate care for the preterm baby is needed.
Active management also probably reduces the mean birthweight of the baby, reflecting the lower blood volume from interference with placentaltransfusion.
Placentaltransfusion may improve circulating volume at birth, which may in turn improve outcome for preterm infants.