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Significados de planted so em inglês
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Uso de planted so em inglês
The seed is not plantedso deep that it cannot be uprooted.
Near the wall one had been plantedso that it touched the wall.
In that multitude of trees, plantedso close together, each tree seemed alike.
Siegmund felt slightly amused to see her stout little calves plantedso firmly close together.
The instrument of death was plantedso near that it burnt his linen at the breast.
Matthias had plantedso many trees around the house she could hardly see it from the road.
Every one had plantedso many flowers of all kinds on the graves you could scent sweet odours.
Why, the plants would be no sooner buried than dug out again, if plantedso extremely near the surface.
As a class, these are less hardy than the Dwarfs, and are not usually plantedso early in the season.
Amy had plantedso deep in him the feeling that money is everything; she had got the fever into his blood.
These were plantedso closely together that even a squirrel would have found it difficult to enter without climbing over them.
Tillage experts at Teagasc, the agriculture and food development authority, believe the acreage of tillage plantedso far this year has increased dramatically.
The people of Virginia were very far from pleased when they heard of the new colony about to be plantedso near them.
They have apparently been slung down from above, and caught and plantedso as to wall up the open side of the recess.
The houses present a neat appearance; they are low, and shaded by trees, which, in the better streets, are plantedso as to form alleys.
The spear stood like a banner, one that had been plantedso firmly into the victim's chest that it even came out the other side.