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Significados de plastic litter em inglês
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Uso de plastic litter em inglês
It also found the highest levels of plasticlitter since the survey began in 1993.
I hear the overgrown rhododendron branches thumping against the plasticlitter that carries him through the trees.
Microplastic pollution is mostly created by the disintegration of plasticlitter and appears to be ubiquitous across the planet.
With plasticlitter covering the country on a daily basis, the move is desperately needed and can't come soon enough.
RSPCA figures show the number of animals affected by plasticlitter in England and Wales is at an all-time high.
Toby Hutcheon, Queensland Manager, Boomerang Alliance said they welcomed the ban, which was the next step in reducing plasticlitter.
Debris and plasticlitter found by Tangaroa Blue, an Australian Marine debris initiative, on Christmas Island, Australia in this undated handout.
A Vanuatu bottled water company is leading a project to clean up plasticlitter in a part of the main island Efate.
Alien species are washing up on the world's most remote beaches, colonising places that were almost impossible to reach before plasticlitter.
Photo: Supplied The king tides that coincided with Tropical Cyclone Harold last week also washed up plasticlitter to the seafront of Nuku'alofa.
The first scoop was interrupted by the aforementioned bright plasticlitter but, after determining that it was benign, engineers proceeded with their schedule.
Until now, the focus of plasticlitter campaigns has been on beaches, with volunteers all over the world lifting bags and bottles from shorelines.
It's the first ultrabook to incorporate ocean-bound plastics (that is, plasticlitter collected in maritime areas, which would otherwise have ended up in the ocean).
Plasticlitter, which can take years to degrade, accounted for almost 60% of all the rubbish.
Her own efforts began after experiencing eco-anxiety about the amount of plasticlittering the soccer fields she trained at.