Set (something or oneself) down with or as if with a noise.
Slang for a user being added to a killfile.
Examples for "plump "
Examples for "plump "
1 Wights are payin' five times the goin' rate fer nice plump feeders.
2 First, lower corporate tax rates will plump up our companies' bottom lines.
3 Oats are not as plump as in Scotland; they fill too quickly.
4 I love how plump his cheeks look when he's sleeping, I said.
5 Father Mathew was a great man, plump and red in the face.
1 It is also the main plank of the health service reform programme.
2 The 'Golden Grid' is a leading plank in the latest price spike.
3 The noise of the falling plank had almost certainly given them away.
4 More than thirty miles of plank -road is already constructed in the county.
5 Better be killed in hot blood than walk the plank in cold.
1 Again the gentle plop was heard through the amplifiers and nothing more.
2 She heard it tearing through metal and bouncing, landing with a plop .
3 Skylan turned to see Wulfe plop down in the sand beside him.
4 His face dropped with a plop into his second helping of pie.
5 The woman gave a quick little tug, and plop , out it came.
1 He'd always go plunk over to the left side of the road.
2 Buy Right Before you plunk down your plastic, ask yourself a few questions.
3 I plunk the children in school nine days out of ten.
4 Don't plunk down all the money you've set aside for annuities at once.
5 Maybe you aren't ready to sign the contract and plunk down the dough.
1 The book dropped from his hand and fell with a flump on the floor.
2 Thomas collapsed forward onto his face; Alby sprawled to the side with a loud flump .
3 Chuck flopped back down with a heavy flump .
4 The sponge caught him-witha delightful, squelching flump - full and fair on the top of his sleek head.
5 The children fall down flump !
1 Mrs. Dredge sat plump down on a chair, placed her fat hands on her lap, and fairly cried.
2 Ye've been growin' plump down there.
3 She gave me thirty sovereigns plump down , promised me three hundred pounds, and told me to fetch you along.
4 There were more smiles then, for Aunt Nancy herself had been the last of the flock to plump down off the wall.
5 A family stands so many chances of escaping the bottom of the Abyss, and so many chances of falling plump down to it.
1 Buy Right Before you plunk down your plastic, ask yourself a few questions.
2 Don't plunk down all the money you've set aside for annuities at once.
3 Maybe you aren't ready to sign the contract and plunk down the dough.
4 I plunk down on the sand next to Finnick and screw the lid off the tube.
5 He was like the water in the river at Niagara Falls just before its goes plunk down .
1 Either way, you want unpretentious plonk that promises not to be poisonous.
2 He asked me if I would drink tea or beer or plonk .
3 What should you plonk your butt on the couch for this month?
4 There's nothing quite like a vintage South African brand of plonk , is there?
5 The old image of plonk grappa is difficult to shrug off, producers say.
6 Steer clear of the cheap plonk that is sloshing around the Irish market.
7 We can't just take our methodology and plonk it over there.
8 It's all about drinkable plonk at a decent price, right?
9 Why not plonk something calmer and gentler in the middle?
10 Show me a Chippendale commode and I'll plonk a mug of tea on it.
11 MARKET indicators suggested it was a good old-fashioned plonk on runaway Cup winner Self Sense.
12 I don't know, it's supposed to be art but why plonk a state house here?
13 Take two opposites and plonk yourself in the middle.
14 It's a smooth, fruity, almost strawberry-scented wine without the sickly aftertaste of cheap pink plonk .
15 A definite feeling that dire old plonk was disappearing.
16 Ice for the Emu beer and, if you're feeling a bit fancy, to plonk in the wine.
Other examples for "plonk"
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