Ainda não temos significados para "point arch".
1The doorway was flanked by rows of columns supporting a pointed arch.
2Cathedrals sing, and they also pray, with pointed arches for folded hands.
3Jeanne saw it slowly mounting in the dim light, under the pointed arches.
4They represent the ingrafting of the pointed arch upon the semicircular.
5The pointed arch, mistress since that time, constructed the rest of the church.
6The pointed arch, thenceforth supreme, built the rest of the church.
7The old Roman arch disappears, and the pointed arch is substituted,-gracefuland elevated.
8Here you can see the geometric shape of the pointed arch.
9Of what three kinds were the pointed arches of this era?
10The two minor pointed arches are of the 14th century.
11The only pointed arch actually discovered is of burnt brick.
12Within, the church is spoiled by wooden galleries, built across the beautiful pointed arches.
13It is a small Moorish structure, with two stone pilasters supporting a pointed arch.
14How is the triangular-headed or straight-lined pointed arch formed, and when did it prevail?
15Into how many classes may the pointed arch be divided?
16A third feature, noteworthy but not so important, is the use of the pointed arch.