Ainda não temos significados para "polished ebony".
1And his face shone like a piece of polished ebony.
2It is the polished ebony or jet which gives the true blank, the material darkness.
3He stood six-foot-four in his loin-cloth, as black and glistening as a polished ebony statue.
4Their skin has the appearance of polished ebony.
5A man with flesh as black as polished ebony stood there, peering into the dining room.
6Slowly he angled his head so he could meet her gaze, his eyes glowing like polished ebony.
7The floor was of black polished ebony, and strewn on the floor were priceless leopard skins and Persian rugs.
8The kitchen floor was as white as human hands could make it, and the stove shone like polished ebony.
9The body, black as polished ebony, was naked to the waist, whence a white skirt fell to the knees.
10Inside, wrapped in a long strip of saffron fabric, was a flute of polished ebony, inlaid with silver and mother-of-pearl.
11He felt, however, that the Senator's eyes did seem a little less hard than the polished ebony they had resembled.
12She received the merchant prince alone, seated on her bench of polished ebony, on the cushions Ser Barristan had brought her.
13But the man in the black overcoat, his polished ebony boots crunching over scorched earth, was only intent on one thing.
14The hippopotamus goddess smiled at us, her big belly of polished ebony gleamed blue in the rays filtering through the reed mats.
15And the tyrant caught the falling engine in a gauntlet, leaving water and oil dripping down on to the expensive polished ebony floor tiles.
16They rose from two to four hundred feet in height, these cliffs, and looking up was like looking up a wall of polished ebony.
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